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3 Long Lasting Breakfasts

3 Long Lasting Breakfasts - Claudia Dean World

There’s no denying the fact that as a dancer, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! I personally love everything about breakfast food, and even on the days I might find myself a bit strapped for time and can’t sit to a cooked breakfast, I still make sure that I fuel my body with a nourishing breakfast that will fill me up, taste delicious and give me long-lasting energy to get through a busy day. 

The perfect balanced breakfast should have three things; carbohydrates, protein and fat, which work together to help your body run at optimum capacity. Here are 3 of my favourite nutritious and delicious breakfasts that will give you long lasting energy (check out how I make them here too).

  • Oats 

  • Did you know that oats are often referred to as nature's superfood? They’re so nutrient rich, minimally processed, low GI and best of all are absolutely delicious. What’s more? They are so versatile and can be used in so many different ways. In winter I love nothing more than starting my day with a big bowl of warm porridge topped with peanut butter, honey, cinnamon and blueberries. In summer I love to make a batch of overnight oats by mixing oats, milk, protein powder, chia seeds and peanut butter in a jar and leaving it in the fridge overnight. In the morning all I have to do is add some yoghurt and sliced fresh fruit to the top like banana, strawberries or mixed berries. 

  • Protein Smoothies 

  • This is my go-to in Summer and is perfect on the days I have to rush to work because I can drink it in the car or in my first meeting. I like to prep individual smoothie bags to keep in my freezer containing banana, spinach and blueberries so all I have to do is empty a bag into the blender, add some protein powder, peanut butter, cinnamon and almond milk, mix it all up and breakfast is done! If I’m feeling extra hungry I might also add some oats too as I find that helps me feel fuller for much longer. Protein smoothies also make a great afternoon snack if you find you get hungry between lunch and dinner. 

  • Toast Toppers 

  • This is one of my favourite things to get creative with on the weekends when I have a little bit more time. Avocado on toast is one of my favourite breakfasts of all time, and I love adding eggs and bacon to give me a little bit more protein. Another delicious combination for those of you who have a sweet tooth, I love peanut butter on toast with sliced bananas and cinnamon. 

    Remember, every great day begins with breakfast - what’s your go-to? 

    Love CD xxx